Petitioners seek SC intervention against Mannar Wind Power Project

Petitioners seek SC intervention against Mannar Wind Power Project citing public interest The Bishop of the Diocese of Mannar and three prominent environmentalists this week petitioned the Supreme Court in the public interest against the proposed 250 MW Mannar Wind Power Project by Adani Green Energy. Rev. Dr. Fidelis Lionel Emmanuel Fernando along with Rohan Pethiyagoda, Prof. Nimal Gunatilleke and Prof. Sarath Kotagama have challenged the procurement process and proposed construction of the project by Adani Green Energy PTE Ltd and/or Adani Green Energy S L Limited. The case names…

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Australian company’s multibillion sandmining project in Mannar

Australian company’s multibillion sandmining project mired in Mannar protests Protests hinder progress towards mining licence Residents allege large-scale land robberies involving brokers working for company  Environmentalists fear existential threats such as soil losing fertility and contamination of water sources  Company representative downplays impacts of the project on people’s livelihood  By Mimi Alphonsus and S. Rubatheesan For over a decade, an Australian company has tried to secure mining licences to extract heavy mineral sands from the ecologically rich region of Mannar Island—the fourth largest ilmenite deposit in the world—with little success.…

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Will the approaching elections be free and fair?

Will the approaching elections be free and fair? What is the significance of the Election Commission’s (EC) announcement on Thursday that the next presidential election would be held between September 17 and October 16? It is a well-known fact to those who know the relevant Article of the Constitution. It would have only been relevant if the EC had announced the exact date for the election. Goodies and freebies  Although President Ranil Wickremesinghe has not declared his candidature for the forthcoming Presidential election, it is clear he has commenced his…

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Sri Lanka’s democracy under siege

Sri Lanka’s democracy under siege lurking shadows of business-politics nexus In a startling revelation, Sri Lanka’s businessman Dhammika Perera, who aspires to enter the presidential race, has made a striking statement that should raise alarm bells. According to a recent article by K. Sujeewa in “Anidda” newspaper, published on Sunday, October 29, Perera is willing to pay a significant price for votes, boldly stating, “If SLPP vote base ‘Pohottuwa’ rises to 30%, the remaining 20% will be bought over in cash.” This admission sheds light on a disturbing trend in the…

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Elections dates and election reforms

Elections dates and election reforms: Confusion confounded: By Jehan Perera President Wickremesinghe’s appointment of a commission of inquiry to investigate existing election laws and regulations and recommend changes has come without prior discussion or warning.  It was a carefully kept secret until brought to the notice of the general public by the president’s appointment of the commission. The commission has been tasked with examining all existing election laws and regulations and making recommendations to suit current needs. According to its terms of reference the factors to which special consideration would…

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IMF facility only the beginning of a tough journey: Dr. Roshan Perera

IMF facility only the beginning of a tough journey: Dr. Roshan Perera   Govt. needs to undertake several structural reforms within the year Sri Lanka must also focus on structural reforms to unlock growth Limited capacity and political space may affect speed of reforms SL governments in particular have very short-term policy orientation CB independence strengthens House oversight over public finances With independence comes need for greater transparency, accountability More independent central banks deliver and maintain lower inflation The securing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) facility is only the…

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Peddling the Government’s Narratives

Peddling the Government’s Narratives As of now, Ranil Wickremesinghe has three points in his favour. First, there is the IMF deal, which his government is more or less using as a shield against criticism of the many austerity measures being enforced in its name. Second, there is the SJB-UNP nexus or the many not so subtle commonalities that have linked the main opposition with the president’s party. Third, there is the SJB-JVP-NPP divide that has only fragmented the opposition to the government’s benefit. Contrary to what the neoliberal commentariat may…

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Quick impressions on post-war development Jaffna revisited

Quick impressions on post-war development Jaffna revisited The recent visit to Jaffna, after several years of forbidden travel due to the pandemic, provided an opportunity to revisit areas of interest and observe the changes, including positive and negative developments, in both the economic and social fronts. It was a quick visit and unexpectedly the timing of the visit coincided with the visit of the President who declared open the Jaffna Cultural Centre on 11 February 2023. The festive atmosphere that prevailed on that day was combined with a subdued celebration…

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Indo-Sri Lanka fisheries conflict: Restorative solutions the panacea

Indo-Sri Lanka fisheries conflict: Restorative solutions the panacea CEA Environmental Impact Assessor recommends coral/mangrove restoration, fish population restoration via implantation of artificial reefs/structures, establishing mutually acceptable ‘no catch zone’ along the IMBL or maritime protected area, permitting licensed Indian fishermen with a levy, declaring cap values, only banning fishing during breeding, educating/sensitising fishermen on cross border issues through awareness creation In the context of the conflict over the overexploitation of fisheries resources beyond the Indo-Sri Lankan coastal borders, restorative solutions such as coral and mangrove restoration, the restoration of the…

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Sri Lanka’s local elections are a major threat to the ruling class

Sri Lanka’s local elections are a major threat to the ruling class (JAYADEVA UYANGODA | Feb 13, 2023) Sri Lankans entered 2023 with an unwelcome gift from the government – a new income tax policy. This was meant to bolster empty public coffers as the government tries to navigate the country’s economic crisis, but for ordinary people already facing difficulty on every front it was one more blow from the same ruling class that created the mess in the first place. Already, triggered by the new tax policy, protests against the government…

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