Time to overcome ethnic divide is now

By Jehan Perera (The Island 24th Jan 2023) Time to overcome ethnic divide is now After much procrastination, the Election Commission has finally decided that local government elections will be held on March 9. The elections to these bodies had already been postponed by a year, as permitted by law. Postponing elections, beyond a year, would take the country into the murky realms of extralegal governance, which would pose a threat to democracy, by eroding the rule of law. The country is being propelled in the direction of elections. It…

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9 March to be a historical day in SL’s history: S.M. Marikkar

9 March to be a historical day in SL’s history: S.M. Marikkar Says ninth has been significant for Sri Lankans since 9 April last year  Blames the Rajapaksa led Govt. of 2019 for country’s rapid deterioration  Claims only group of capable and talented persons such as SJB can revive country Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Deputy National Organiser S.M. Marikkar says 9 March will be a historical day in Sri Lanka’s history.  Noting that the election has now been set for 9 March despite the Government’s repeated attempts to delay it,…

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