India Curbed social fallout by acting fast, ties entered new…

India curbed social fallout by acting fast, ties entered new .. (Times of India 27-01-2023) NEW DELHI: Lauding India’s financing assurances to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), backing Sri Lanka’s debt restructuring efforts, Lankan high commissioner Milinda Moragoda said the social fallout of the economic crisis in the strategically located island nation would have been worse if India had not acted swiftly and that India’s support will minimise any trust deficit between the two countries. Speaking to TOI, Moragoda said no other country would have helped Sri Lanka the way India…

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Shameless coalitions ahead of LG polls

Shameless coalitions ahead of LG polls The economic crisis and the resultant political upheaval that brought down the Gotabaya Rajapaksa regime have created ridiculous political alignments.  In fact, the major part of the “credit” for the creation of those alignments should go to Gotabaya’s younger brother and his Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa. The alignments have now grown into political alliances with the approach of the local government elections that have now been scheduled to be held on March 9. Of these coalitions, the one between President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s party, the United…

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An EC Member’s resignation will not affect LG election, say former and current EC Chairs

An EC Member’s resignation will not affect LG election, say former and current EC Chairs Punchihewa says election preparation will continue EC yet to receive P.S.M. Charles’s resignation  Ex-Chairman Deshapriya points to Constitution The resignation of an Election Commission (EC) member will not affect the Local Government (LG) Poll, Chairman of the EC, Attorney Nimal Punchihewa noted yesterday (26). When queried by The Daily Morning as to whether the resignation of an EC member – in the backdrop of media reports that EC member P.S.M. Charles has resigned – would affect the…

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