CBK to open Nawa Lanka Nidahas Pakshaya HQ today

Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga will declare open the new party head office of the Nawa Lanka Nidahas Pakshaya (New Lanka Freedom Party) in Battaramulla today (5- 9-2022) morning.

The new political party is led by Parliamentarian Kumara Welgama.

He said the party is set to implement programs to train youth under the age of 40 and take steps to establish a corruption-free youth-led political movement in the future.

Welgama formed the Nawa Lanka Nidahas Pakshaya on 6 March 2020, claiming it is seeking to uphold the now forgotten Bandaranaike policies. At the time Welgama claimed he was forming the new party because the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) created by the late S.W.R.D Bandaranaike of which he had been a member has become a sell-out in recent times.

The party was registered and officially listed in the Election Commission’s list of registered political parties on 10 January