Burning Questions of the Sri Lankan People’s Movement: What is to be Done?

(This article is based on a talk delivered at the online session organised by International Solidarity with the People’s Movement in Sri Lanka on a 23.07.2022) The people’s movement in Sri Lanka has entered into a deadlock with the ‘(s)election’ of Ranil Wickremesinghe as President. Within hours of him assuming office, a mid-night crackdown on the Galle Face protest camp was unleashed. Only cowards attack in the dead of the night as they have much to hide during the day. Despite brutal state repression, the people’s movement shows a resilient commitment to…

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SL will have to bite the bullet or go down abyss: Dr. Coomaraswamy

Former Central Bank Chief forecasts crisis to force contraction of economy by 8-10% Reveals around 750,000 people have slipped into poverty Data suggests half the population could fall below poverty line by end-2022 Suggests Govt. to strengthen safety net by enhancing cash transfers going to poor and vulnerable Opines given toxic populist politics and entitlement culture, economic recovery will require painful treatment Predicts IMF conditions will be ‘onerous’ Opines Sri Lankans now recognise that sacrifice is necessary and inevitable Lists SOE reforms, divestment of State assets, independence of Central Bank…

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