AKD alleges MPs’ votes were bought

AKD alleges MPs’ votes were bought BY P. Waravita ( The Morning) Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)-led National People’s Power (NPP) Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who was one of the three candidates for the vote in Parliament on the eighth Executive President yesterday (20), while alleging that yesterday’s vote was decided by “the usual horse trading and bribery”, said that following the said vote, a General Election needs to be held expeditiously, as the current Parliament is no longer a fair representation of the people’s aspirations.  “The (Dullas) Alahapperuma faction of…

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Ranil President for Next Two Years

Ranil President for Next Two Years Yesterday, Parliament elected UNP Leader and Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe as the country’s eighth Executive President as per the Constitution. Wickremesinghe, with support from the SLPP, who has 145 MPs in the 225-member Parliament, won the election in votes cast by the MPs in a secret ballot, obtaining 134 votes, 52 votes more than his nearest rival Dullas Alahapperuma, paradoxically from the SLPP, who polled 82 votes. The third and last candidate, JVP/Jathika Jana Balavegaya (JJB) Anura Kumara Dissanayake obtained three votes, while of the…

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