‘Rajapaksas Lacked Vision, Worked for Themselves’: Erik Solheim, Peace Mediator in Sri Lanka War

‘Rajapaksas Lacked Vision, Worked for Themselves’: Erik Solheim, Peace Mediator in Sri Lanka War According to him, both the LTTE and Colombo could have made compromises and established a federal state. “If Delhi insisted on making all decisions for Chennai, India would also break up.” (M R Narayan Swamy –WIRE) Norwegian diplomat Erik Solheim, who was the spearhead of an international peace process in Sri Lanka which failed, says the now ousted Rajapaksa brothers had no larger vision for their country and were into doing “politics for themselves.” Solheim, among…

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Party leaders urge Speaker to get GR to remove Ranil

Party leaders urge Speaker to get GR to remove Ranil Agree to Speaker becoming acting Prez  Tri-forces Commanders tell Ranil to heed public voice    Ranil tells Speaker to nominate a PM acceptable to both Govt. and Opposition BY Buddhika Samaraweera (The Morning) At the party leaders’ meeting chaired by Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, which was not attended by Acting President and United National Party Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, the party leaders urged the Speaker to intervene to get President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to remove Wickremesinghe from the post of the…

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