Harsha says no IMF agreement until deal struck with creditors

Harsha says IMF cannot provide a loan if creditors discussions fail  (the Morning. 1-07-2022) By Imesh Ranasinghe  The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) hands are tied over helping help Sri Lanka, as it is unable to provide financing until the country comes to an agreement with its creditors, Opposition MP Dr. Harsha de Silva said. Speaking to reporters yesterday (30), he said that even though Sri Lanka had sought help from the IMF 16 times earlier, about four or five programmes have been abandoned midway. “However, this time it’s different from…

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US offers Rs 7b more to feed 800,000 children for 15 months

US offers Rs 7b more to feed 800,000 children for 15 months Sunday Times 3-07-2022 By Kapila Bandara   More than 800,000 children and 27,000 pregnant and lactating women in Sri Lanka will get essential nutrition over the next 15 months through US$20 million (Rs 7.16 billion) more funding announced by the United States this week. The funds will go to support a school nutrition program. Farmers are also being supported to help improve food production in a country driven to unsustainable debt from a borrowing binge since 2007 by Mahinda…

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