Guidelines to be followed from Nov. 16 to 30 issued

Guidelines to be followed from Nov. 16 to 30 issued; public gatherings banned (Sheain Fernandopulle Daily Mirror 15th Nov 2021) Director General of Health Services Dr Asela Gunawardena has issued a set of guidelines effective from November 16 to 30 on public & work-related activities where several restrictions have been eased. According to the guidelines, public gatherings, meeting & events are prohibited until further notice unless prior approval is obtained from Director General of Health Services. In addition, several restrictions have been eased. Accordingly, gyms can be operated at 50…

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New Constitution needs to reflect Sri Lanka’s plurality

New Constitution needs to reflect Sri Lanka’s plurality by Jehan Perera (The Island 16th November2021) Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has informed Parliament that the draft constitution will be finalised by the end of the year. An expert committee to draft a new constitution was appointed in September last year, soon after the government won the general election with close to a 2/3 majority. In his inaugural address to the newly elected Parliament, on August 20, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced that the government would replace the existing constitution and do away…

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