Ali Sabri will announce his resignation soon?

Media speculates Justice Minister Ali Sabri will announce his resignation soon?

Several media reports confirm that Justice Minister Ali Sabri is deeply concerned about the Presidential Task Force on ‘One Country, One Law’, newly appointed by the President.
It is revealed that the reason for this is that the appointment of Gnanasara Thera as the Chairman of the Task Force. The appointment has given Gnanasara Thera the ability to interfere in all the activities of the Ministry of Justice. Gotabaya Rajapaksa responded strongly to the government’s internal opposition to the appointment, saying he could make any appointment according to his mandate.
During Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s tenure as Secretary to the Ministry of Defense, he was represented by the current Minister of Justice, Mohammad Ali Sabriya, in the legal proceedings against him for financial and other crimes, including the controversial acquisition of MiG-27 fighters. Despite this, there has been a lot of talk about Ali Sabry being taken for a ride by appointing Gnanasara Thero to the Presidential Task Force.
According to sources, Sabry is expected to make an announcement after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s return to the country from the UK.

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